A paper by Professor Yuichi Ikeda and three others has been published in the journal AI & Society.
A paper by Professor Yuichi Ikeda and three others titled "Anomaly detection and facilitation AI to empower decentralized autonomous...
A paper by Professor Yuichi Ikeda and three others titled "Anomaly detection and facilitation AI to empower decentralized autonomous...
A paper by Professor Yuichi Ikeda, Research Fellow Krongtum Sankaewtong, and 10 other researchers “Verification of Elemental Technologies...
UBRI Connect is an international conference that aims to bring together the world's top scholars, researchers, and thinkers to introduce...
The BCK23 Proceedings, which is a compilation of the peer-reviewed papers accepted from the BCK23 presentations, has been published...
On Friday, June 7, 2024, Professor Yuichi Ikeda will be speaking at "Beyond 2050 Prologue Part 4: The Future Economy Envisioned by Kyoto...
On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Professor Yuichi Ikeda will be speaking at the Austrian Blockchain Conference 2024. For more information,...
On Friday, May 17, 2024, Professor Yuichi Ikeda will be speaking at the international workshop "Scientific Thinking and Future Paradigms:...
We announce a mini-symposium of the Network Society Research Group. Professor Ikeda, Yuichi, and Program-Specific Assistant Professor...
The research results of Professor Ikeda's research group have been featured in several media outlets, including the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun....
-Toward the realization of safe cryptocurrency and digital economy- Click here for more details.
Click here for more details.
The following video has been released: BCK22: August 4 Digest version BCK22: August 5 Digest version BCK22 Keynote speech:...
A co-authored paper by former student Tatsuro Mukai (Master's student) and Professor Yuichi Ikeda has been published in Frontiers in...
As a result of collaborative research at the Blockchain Research Center, a paper co-authored by the co-researchers and Professor Ikeda...
A co-authored paper by GSAIS student Soutaro Sada and Professor Yuichi Ikeda was published in the journal Frontier in Physics (October...
UBRI Connect 2022 Professor Yuichi Ikeda participated in a panel discussion at UBRI Connect 2022 (September 21, 2022). UBRI Connect is...
A co-authored paper by Hitomi Tanaka (Master's student), a former student of our university, and Professor Yuichi Ikeda was published in...
A co-authored paper by our graduate student Yu Oki and Professor Yuichi Ikeda was published in the journal PLOS ONE (August 24, 2022).
A paper co-authored by graduate student Zelda Marquardt and Professor Ikeda Yuichi has been published in the journal The Review of...
The BCK21 Proceedings (JPS Conf. Proc. Vol. 36), which collected the papers accepted after peer review, was published online as the...
Professor Yuichi Ikeda of the Graduate School of Integrated Human Studies gave an invited lecture at UBRI Connect 2021. UBRI Connect is...
The proceedings of Blockchain in Kyoto 2021 (BCK21) will be published in the Proceedings of the Physical Society of Japan .